Decoding High Definition Haptic Stimuli in Real Time, Without Special Post Prod Pipeline
Welcome Your Aficionados With the Next Level of Immersive Experiences
Here is a survey covering two movies at a modern commercial cinema equiped with our DeepHaptic Technology
Survey Methodology:
Movies Played: Jumanji 2 and Star Wars IX
Movies Played: Jumanji 2 and Star Wars IX
Audio: Dolby 7.4.2, calibrated by a professional audio Engineer, Haptic post calibrated by Audio Hospitality. Video: Barco Laser Haptic System: DIGITAL HAPTIC CINEMA SYSTEM by Audio Hospitality Inc. Haptic seats with digital real time haptic decoder and haptic multichannel emissive panels patented technology. The survey was conducted at a brand new high tech commercial cinema opened in end of 2019, just before the COVID pandemia The survey was conducted with french speaking people. After the show, they were invited and free to fill a survey by themself alone on a smart tablette, without any kind of incentive, or rewards or gifts. |
Ask for Our Haptic Technology
Since this survey was conducted for french speaking people, here is the translation:
How about your haptic experience?. Wow, Absolutly, Not Really
The haptic was: Natural, Uncomfortable, I Don't Know
Did you MUTE the haptics? No
Would you recommend it? Yes, No, May Be
If an haptic seat is available would you prefer it? Rush to It, Would Prefer It
Your age range? 7 +, 13+, Adult, Senior
How do you rate the haptic experience? Big, Fine
How about your haptic experience?. Wow, Absolutly, Not Really
The haptic was: Natural, Uncomfortable, I Don't Know
Did you MUTE the haptics? No
Would you recommend it? Yes, No, May Be
If an haptic seat is available would you prefer it? Rush to It, Would Prefer It
Your age range? 7 +, 13+, Adult, Senior
How do you rate the haptic experience? Big, Fine
Why Should You Convert Your Amphitheaters to Haptic System ?
Ground Breaking Features:
Our DeepHaptic systems integrate with different configurations of audio and rich media immersion : Different audio playback systems that will benefit from enhancement with DeepHapticstm
The DeepHaptic system includes the patent pending DeltaPath multichannel DeepHaptic panels for listening in nearfield areas such as chairs, booths, sofas, beds, or along with professional amphitheater audio systems. CONFIGURATIONS:
The first Haptic system that respects music and movie EQ with digital hi-fi quality! |
Why Not Using the VI-Pod Haptic Gaming Chairs in a Dome or any VR Booths?
> Audio Hospitality provides expertise for enhancing soundtrack mixing and mastering in respect with DeepHaptic Experiences
Write to [email protected] for the abstract and topics covered by our classes
> VI-Pod® is also available as an OEM package for branded cinema seat vendors.
Write to [email protected] for the abstract and topics covered by our classes
> VI-Pod® is also available as an OEM package for branded cinema seat vendors.